Refugee Claims
In Canada, Refugee claim is a welcome relief for those in need. Canada seeks to help those who are in danger of torture or cruel treatment, or whose lives are at risk by offering different options to those with legitimate claims and need for protection. Our role is to provide caring and sensitive support to the refugee claimant in every way possible, and provide the best representation in their application for Refugee Protection in Canada. Please note that we are only able to assist refugee applicants who are able to arrive in Canada, as we regrettably are not equipped to work with clients who are unable to travel to Canada. We can also assist people who wants to claim refugee status at the Port of Entry or any US-Canada borders. The claimant must face a substantial danger of torture, a risk to their life or a risk of cruel and unusual treatment or punishment, not faced by everyone in their country, and not part of lawful sanctions or inadequate health / medical care. They must be unable or unwilling to avail themselves of the protection of that country, and are fearful of returning to their own country. They must not be safe in any part of their country. Canada uses a definition of Refugee from the 1951 Geneva Convention, which states a refugee is someone who is outside their home country and has a well-founded fear of being persecuted for one of the Refugee Convention grounds: race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion. Canada also allows claims on the basis of persecution for gender or sexual orientation. If you feel that you need to make a refugee claim, and are already in Canada or are able to travel to Canada please allow us to represent you.
Humanitarian & Compassionate
Humanitarian and Compassionate applications are unique, in that they have the ability to cover special circumstances where the applicant is often in Canada already, and would face undue hardship if required to apply for Immigration in their home country. Often they are unable to leave Canada for reasons beyond their control. Their stories and circumstances are as unique as the individuals themselves, and each one needs to be handled with care. We start with lots of listening, and invite you to tell us your story. If you feel that you might have reasons to make an application under Humanitarian and Compassionate ground, please contact us without nay dilemma. All inquiries are confidential.